“Esu Orthopaedic Clinic” was opened on January 4th , 2012.
Dear Sir
I resigned from Ryukyu university hospital after long term academic and clinical activities, and began to practice orthopaedic clinic at Esu, Uruma city.
At professor Ibaraki’s orthopaedic surgery department I had precious experience of bone tumors, osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, impairement of shoulder or ankle, artificial joint replacement, unequal limbs etc. for over 20 years. After professor Kanaya took after the office of the department, I had been working at hyperbaric department to treat decompression sickness, the diseases or impairment only cured by hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) including compromised wounds or serious infection in orthopaedic surgery. I sincerely hope to contribute regional medicine by my clinical experience.
Certification on medicine
① Japanese National Board of Medical Practitione ② Member of Japanese Association of Orthopaedic Surgery (lost
Speciality Board on 2012 by lack of neccesary lectures)
③Speciality Board of Hyperbaric Medicine
Adress & Information
602 Esu Uruma City Okinawa Japan, 904-2244
Tel 098-979-1515 Fax 098-979-1188 E-mail hbo@esu-ortho.jp